Daggerfall Unity

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About this video

Somebody on the DFU official forums was asking for help on how to put their texture replacements into a proper .dfmod form instead of the loose file replacement form that is somewhat more messy. So I decided to make this little video tutorial to hopefully help them and others as well. This hopefully helps in more than just texture replacement, but just the general work-flow to expect when making a new mod or .dfmod file in the Unity Editor.

Here is the original post that I was referring to: https://forums.dfworkshop.net/viewtopic.php?p=62135#p62135

That entire modding tutorials thread I suggest following for more stuff like this in the future, as well as the various useful content that is currently there.

My username on the forums is "Magicono43" if you feel the need to PM me or anything.

Thanks for watching, hope this helps.