Little Red

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Where is the big bad wolf?


  1. Nonohell
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are you planning on making/finishing this skin one day? It looks really awesome and the hound master have almost no good skin yet
    1. Sensaiga
      • premium
      • 150 kudos
      I'm almost done with it but the DD community is not too active these days. I agree that the hound master doesn't have much skins so I will finish it. I'm just not sure when. I know it's been too long but I try to finish all my WIP skins if possible.
    2. Nonohell
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Seeing your response a bit late, but still hyped for the skin, and really glad to see that you will release it one day! Good luck finishing it! Can't wait to have Little Red in my heroes roster (or cemetery, because hell that Crimson Court DLC is giving me a hard time).
  2. soldiergames
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How can I download it? Is it not possible yet?(I'm new to Nexus)
  3. sigmaceti21
    • supporter
    • 31 kudos
    this would be perfect if u turn dog in to wolf