About this mod
Two colour schemes for the playable class The Piglet.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- littlepiglet_A [Attack Command sprite for piglet’s original color].
- littlepiglet_B [Green colour complete skin].
- littlepiglet_C [Gray colur complete skin].
The sprite in folder A lacks the white spaces in the flags.
This files are named usig the letters A, B, and C. This files will substitute the ones you already have with this letters, save a copy of your original files before. Or change this letters [A,B,C] to avoid overwriting existing character files.
Created using the amazing artwork and colour schemes by:
Araylie, creator of the PIGLET - New Class Mod [Perfect Replication].
Dragonborn & Res34, creators of the Monster Variety Project LEGACY mod.
And ActiomJack, creator of the House Full of Piggies - New Enemeies for the Warren – mod.
Thankyou all so much for sharing the product of your imagination and your hard work.