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About this mod

This mod adds the custom classes Wizard and Winter Lady to DD. It also makes it possible to have these classes as the main heroes starting in the Tutorial if you wish. These classes are inspired by the novels - the Dresden Files.

Permissions and credits
This mod adds the custom classes Wizard and Winter Lady to DD. It also makes it possible to have these classes as the main heroes starting in the Tutorial if you wish. These classes are inspired by the novels - the Dresden Files. This mod is fan-service for the wonderful characters and stories created in that universe.

Custom classes: Wizard and Winter Lady

Tutorial Mod

Wizard Skills:

Fuego-2 target attack, bleed, bonus against marked.
Arctis -1 target attack, stun.
Ventas Fulmino    -1 target attack, eldritch bonus, self-heal
Forzare                             -1 target attack, push, mark target
Trash Talking                  -debuff, mark target, destealth
Parkour                            -buff, mark self
Defendarius                     -prot buff, self stress-heal, mark self

Winter Lady Skills:

One Woman Rave           -1 target attack, mark target, +light
Kakusu                              -stealth ally, darkness
Ideru                                  -2 target attack, debuff, mark self
Neru                                  -1 target attack, stun
Hireki                                 -debuff, mark target, destealth
Small Favour                    -small heal, small stress-heal
Phantasm                         -2 target attack, bonus damage, man-killer, debuff-self

Tutorial Mod:

This mod will remove Dismas and Reynauld from the tutorial and replace them with Dresden and Molly from the Dresden Files. You must install both the Wizard and Winter Lady classes for this mod to work.

Class: Wizard
Quirks: Quickdraw, Tough, Paranormania.
Starting Skills: Fuego, Arctic, Defendarius, Parkour

Class: Winter Lady
Quirks: Evasive, Fated, Paranormania
Starting Skills: One Woman Rave, Kakusu, Ideru, Small Favor.

**My forum is a place for people to get support on issues or to ask questions about future mods. ANY negativity directed at me, my mods, or
other posters will result in IMMEDIATE banning from the forum and ALL of
my mods. If you do not like them, do not download them. My style may
not be for everyone, and my interpretation of these classes is just

<Wizard, Winter Lady, and Tutorial Mod> is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook
Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may
result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the
Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content
in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.