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About this mod

This is a texture modification for Marvelous Chester\'s armor set.

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This is a texture modification for Marvelous Chester\'s armor set. As soon as I saw him in the new DLC, his outfit reminded me of Dante and Im sure plenty of people have made the comparison. So, I decided it would be fun to see how close I could get the armor to look like Dante\'s outfits in the DMC series.

This mod re-textures the Coat, Gloves, and Pants to closely match Dante of Devil May Cry. It is not recreated 100% as there are plenty of details that are unchangeable without modifying the model itself.

It\'s very much a hybrid outfit with elements from all of the games.

NOTE: The white hair color in the preview pictures is photoshopped in for added effect and is NOT part of the mod.



Simply enable texture override in your dsfix.ini, and drop the included files into your DATA/dsfix/tex_override/ folder.


Disable texture override in dsfix.ini and/or remove the files.
