About this mod
Replaces some of the sound effects of Dark souls 2 (Sotfs) with Dark souls 3 ones + extra.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod replaces some of the most noticeable Dark souls 2 sounds with it's Dark Souls 3 counterparts. Right now the sounds replaced are:
- Parry success
- Estus drink
- Consuming a soul item
- Bonfire rest (like in ds1 and ds3)
- Souls Retrieval (like in ds1 and ds3)
- Light a Bonfire (like in ds1 and ds3)
- Item pickup
- Eat Moss
- Kill Enemy
+ Dyna & Dillo now have croaks between their lines like Snuggly and the other soulsgames crows have.
I didn't want to replace too many sounds, because i wanted that Ds2 would still keep it's own identity, but at the same time feel a bit more on par with Ds1 and Ds3 with sharing some of the same sound effects with them. I might replace more sounds if i see them fit.
Future plans
- Make a version that works with Modengine so that unpacking isn't required anymore.
- Replace some weapon damage and impact sounds with better ones
- (Maybe) Adjust some ambient sounds so that other sound effects wont get buried under them and therefore can be heard and blend in better
Use UXM selective unpacker to unpack and patch your ds2 files and then copy and paste the sound folder into your game folder. Same one where the
DarkSoulsII.exe is located. Replace the files when asked. BACKUP YOUR ORIGINAL SOUNDS FOLDER BEFORE INSTALLING in case you dont like the
mod and want to revert it's changes.
https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1651 - UXM selective unpacker
If you want to install it while using Bearer of the curse edition, the filepath is Game/BoTC_Edition/sounds.
You should not be needing to use the unpacker if you do. Same should apply with other major overhauls. Just copy my files into their own sound folders and replace the old ones when asked. Always remember to do backups!
Idk if this work with original Dark souls 2 right now i made this mod only for scholar of the first sin.
Known issues:
Souls retrieved afer dying sound effect might sound a bit off the pitch because of how ds2 handles it's soundfiles. There is not much i can do about it, but the difference is barely noticable anyway.
If you happen to find any problems that i possibly missed then please let me know :) ! There should not be any.
- RavagerChris37 for creating Dark Souls Sound Inserter - DSSI - https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls/mods/1193
- Whoever made this list making identifying some of the sounds much easier
It should be completely okay to play online with this, but i don't take responsibility if something goes wrong for some reason.