- Refine results Found 10 results. 1458 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Dump and replace textures used by the game. Allows to apply shader effects without affecting the GUI.
- 2.6MB
- 11.4k
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Dump and replace textures used by the game. Allows to apply shader effects without affecting the GUI.
This mod seeks to allow players to get almost any item that they desire(at a fair price of course)
- 179KB
- 8.5k
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This mod seeks to allow players to get almost any item that they desire(at a fair price of course)
Complete PS3 Icon Set (iGP11 compatible)
Includes cleaned-up icons for X, O, Triangle, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, and Select. Works with iGP11.
- 9KB
- 214
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Complete PS3 Icon Set (iGP11 compatible)
Includes cleaned-up icons for X, O, Triangle, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, and Select. Works with iGP11.
A cleaner, smoother replacement for the default health/mana/stamina bars.
This program allows you to have a count on your deaths in dark souls IN REAL TIME.
This Tool basicly backups your savefile.
Holy King's Greatsword (Animation Bank)
Animation Bank used for the Holy King's Greatsword Project. Conatins animations retargeted from various enemies onto the player character.
- 2.0MB
- 16
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Holy King's Greatsword (Animation Bank)
Animation Bank used for the Holy King's Greatsword Project. Conatins animations retargeted from various enemies onto the player character.
This program allows you to have a count on your deaths in dark souls.
DarkSoulsAutoSave is a fellow Tool, which automagically Backs-Up your Dark Souls Saves and stores/sorts them.
- 186KB
- 9
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DarkSoulsAutoSave is a fellow Tool, which automagically Backs-Up your Dark Souls Saves and stores/sorts them.
DS3Player Character Retarget (Animations4Modders-Carthus Skeleton Curved Greatsword)
Animations for modders of the Carthus skeleton swordsman with curved greatsword, retargeted onto the player.
- 970KB
- 8
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DS3Player Character Retarget (Animations4Modders-Carthus Skeleton Curved Greatsword)
Animations for modders of the Carthus skeleton swordsman with curved greatsword, retargeted onto the player.