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About this mod

Shows the number of your Deaths under HP bar, allows to Respawn at fog gates and to easily setup RTSR.

Permissions and credits
Death Counter & QoL Items

What this mod does

1. Provides Death counter:

  • counts deaths automatically. 
  • is able to count up to 9999 deaths.
  • shows them all the time as a  big clear number under your HP bar
  • this number can be hidden or shown at any point using a special item (the counting will continue even when the number is hidden)
  • using Dark Sign doesn't count as a death, it will not increment the counter.
  • resets after each cycle (when you go to NG+).
  • shows only times you died with mod installed

2. Provides two items to save your time when you do challenge runs:

  • an item, which enables you to respawn at a boss fog gate instead of a bonfire.
  • an item, which immediately puts you to 19% HP and enables RTSR effect.

Installation instructions

  • Download my files and unpack them.
  • Create a back up of your Dark Souls Remastered folder.
  • Set Steam to offline to avoid the risk of been banned (v1.0R should not get you banned, since it doesn't change items, but I won't give you any guarantees).
  • Copy all content of my DATA folder to your Dark Souls Remastered folder and replace the files when prompted.
  • Launch Dark Souls via Steam.


It should be fully compatible with mods, which don't change the same files my mod does. If you don't need QoL items, for higher compatibility, you can use version 1.0R.

If you like the mod please press that "Endorse" button.
If you think that my work is worth it, and want to encourage me: here is my donations link. (language can be switched in the right bottom corner)

Check out other mods of mine: