About this mod
This Mod rebalances the game by making various changes to game parameteres
- Permissions and credits
- Mid Roll has been swapped out with Fast Roll to better reflect the changes made to the roll (and run) mechanic in modern souls games. You can now wear more equipment without being penalized
- All Magic, Enchanted, Occult and Divine weapons have been buffed to deal as much damage as their normal counterparts
- Lightning and Fire weapons do not have split damage anymore and deal as much damage as raw weapons (Raw weapons' worse damage output, caused by resistances, takes into account their availability in early game)
-Crystal Weapons can be repaired.
- All weapons can be buffed, regardless of their upgrade path
- DLC Bosses have generally worse lightning, fire and magic resistances than the original. The values have been changed to be in line with the base game's bosses and according to the lore. Artorias, Sanctuary Guardian and Manus are especially weak to fire, Kalameet to lightning (but also resistant to physical and fire)
- Various enemies and bosses have had their resistance values changed to reflect the absence of split damage for fire and lightning damage, notably all bosses in Izalith/Quelaag's Domain which were immune to fire
The following weapons have been buffed:
Damage-Mail Breaker, Weight-Smough's Hammer, Damage-Greatsword of Artorias (Cursed), Damage-Greatsword of Artorias, Damage-Stone Greataxe, Damage-Giant's Halberd, Weight-Lucerne, Weight-Knight's Shield, Damage-Morning Star, Damage-Jagged Ghost Blade, Damage-Ghost Blade, Damage-Dragon Bone Fist, Physical Defense-Crystal Ring Shield, Damage-Darkmoon Bow, Damage-Hammer of Vamos (Very Good in early game), Weight-Sniper Crossbow, Damage-Golem Axe, Damage-Veka's Rapier, Damage-Giant Blacksmith Hammer, Damage-Pickaxe, Damage-Warpick, Damage-Blacksmith Hammer, Damage-Demon's Spear, Damage-Channeler's Trident, Damage-Crescent Axe, Damage-Astora's Straight Sword (Very Good in early game)
- Further fixes and balancing
- Titanite Demons and Mushroom Parents have been nerfed (Health Decreased)
- The following weapons have been buffed: Damage-Long Bow, Damage-Short Bow, Damage-Black Bow of Pharis
- Further fixes and balancing
- The Great Lord Greatsword now has a 120 divine damage modifier
- The Following Items/Spells can now be used without being part of any specific covenant: Sunlight Spear, Bountiful Sunlight, Soothing Sunlight, Red Eye orb, Darkmoon Blade
-The following weapons have been buffed:Damage-Whip, Damage-Notched Whip, Damage-Guardian's Tail, Weight-Dragon Tooth
-Fat Roll has been swapped out with Mid Roll.
-Magic Shield's and Strong Magic Shield's durations have been increased from 15 seconds to 90 seconds