- Refine results Found 32 results. 619 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
DSR Texture Packer and Unpacker
Unpack all of the game's textures and replace them with your own!
- 851KB
- 6.9k
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DSR Texture Packer and Unpacker
Unpack all of the game's textures and replace them with your own!
An easy Drag/Drop interface for playing with mods. Conceptually based on the "Drag and Drop Mod Manager" for the original Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition by RavagerChris37.
- 88KB
- 1.9k
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An easy Drag/Drop interface for playing with mods. Conceptually based on the "Drag and Drop Mod Manager" for the original Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition by RavagerChris37.
Dark Souls Remastered tool that allows you to respec skill points in the Level Up screen.
- 29KB
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Dark Souls Remastered tool that allows you to respec skill points in the Level Up screen.
Painted Worlds is a tool designed to allow players to connect without the needs for a matchmaking server via invites over Steam and Discord.
- 2.1MB
- 449
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Painted Worlds is a tool designed to allow players to connect without the needs for a matchmaking server via invites over Steam and Discord.
Many-in-one graphical interface for modding Dark Souls (either game version) and Bloodborne files, and exporting those modded files to the game.
- 16.4MB
- 302
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Many-in-one graphical interface for modding Dark Souls (either game version) and Bloodborne files, and exporting those modded files to the game.
Restores the official debug menu + Free Cam and other additional features
Dark Souls Remastered PvP Watchdog
A tool designed to reduce the impact cheaters have on online play.
- 77KB
- 206
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Dark Souls Remastered PvP Watchdog
A tool designed to reduce the impact cheaters have on online play.
DSR Watchpup will help keep track of everyone in your session. It attempts to detect cheaters where it can without risking a ban for the user. If a cheater goes undetected, the app will backup your save right before they join. It shows current matchmaking tables (including Weapon Level) for your character, and identifies the last dropped item.
- 1020KB
- 161
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DSR Watchpup will help keep track of everyone in your session. It attempts to detect cheaters where it can without risking a ban for the user. If a cheater goes undetected, the app will backup your save right before they join. It shows current matchmaking tables (including Weapon Level) for your character, and identifies the last dropped item.
Shows the number of your Deaths under HP bar, allows to Respawn at fog gates and to easily setup RTSR.
- 14.1MB
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Shows the number of your Deaths under HP bar, allows to Respawn at fog gates and to easily setup RTSR.
A simplified version of ModEngine 2 that allows launching modded Dark Souls Remastered directly from steam without .bat files.
- 499KB
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A simplified version of ModEngine 2 that allows launching modded Dark Souls Remastered directly from steam without .bat files.
A working version of ModEngine for Dark Souls Remastered.In this way you not need anymore to overwrite original files for modding.I am absolutely NOT original author. I just upload it to anyone who may need it.
- 4.0MB
- 69
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A working version of ModEngine for Dark Souls Remastered.In this way you not need anymore to overwrite original files for modding.I am absolutely NOT original author. I just upload it to anyone who may need it.
DS PTDE to DSR Texture Converter
Converts dsfix hashed textures to TPUP-friendly format. Intended for easy porting of texture mods from PTDE to DSR.
- 13.0MB
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DS PTDE to DSR Texture Converter
Converts dsfix hashed textures to TPUP-friendly format. Intended for easy porting of texture mods from PTDE to DSR.
An interactive shell for testing and debugging DARK SOULS REMASTERED
Tool for exporting and importing character appearance data, allowing you to easily re-use previously created characters.
- 26KB
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Tool for exporting and importing character appearance data, allowing you to easily re-use previously created characters.
Dark Souls Remastered - Savegame Backupper
Simple program that backups your Dark Souls: Remastered - Savegame File at a chosen interval - from every 1 to 90 minutes. If your savefile corrupts or you just want to go back to a previous state, just rename the backup and copy it into your savegame directory.
- 8KB
- 44
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Dark Souls Remastered - Savegame Backupper
Simple program that backups your Dark Souls: Remastered - Savegame File at a chosen interval - from every 1 to 90 minutes. If your savefile corrupts or you just want to go back to a previous state, just rename the backup and copy it into your savegame directory.
This isn't a mod, it's a cheat engine sheet with some help to get an item for help with the game that you use offline.
- 0KB
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This isn't a mod, it's a cheat engine sheet with some help to get an item for help with the game that you use offline.
Questa mod rimuove gli errori grammaticali della traduzione italiana e risolve le incongruenze della lore presente nella versione, presenti a causa di un poco approfondito (o assente) studio dei localizzatori della lore e del mondo di gioco.
- 2.9MB
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Questa mod rimuove gli errori grammaticali della traduzione italiana e risolve le incongruenze della lore presente nella versione, presenti a causa di un poco approfondito (o assente) studio dei localizzatori della lore e del mondo di gioco.
Edits Dark Souls animation events
DSR Italian Translation Remake
Questa mod corregge i macroscopici errori di traduzione introdotti durante il doppio passaggio giapponese->inglese->italiano da parte del team ufficiale di localizzazione. Si tratta, dunque, di un rifacimento totale della traduzione italiana, partendo direttamente dai testi originali in giapponese.
- 3.4MB
- 18
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DSR Italian Translation Remake
Questa mod corregge i macroscopici errori di traduzione introdotti durante il doppio passaggio giapponese->inglese->italiano da parte del team ufficiale di localizzazione. Si tratta, dunque, di un rifacimento totale della traduzione italiana, partendo direttamente dai testi originali in giapponese.