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About this mod

Makes the basic skateboard go faster, deal more damage when running in Zombies, and makes it impossible to break!

Permissions and credits

Well, Frank is some-what fast with his sports fan outfit. But I want to go even faster. There's a mod in Dead Rising 2 that adds a whole lot of stuff in the Royal Flush. One item is a skateboard that is buffed to be fast, & strong. I wanted a mod like that in OTR, I couldn't find one so I decided to make my own. This mod is simple, i'll be providing only the "Code/script" not the actual .big file. If you need help unpacking & repacking your .big files, just look at the Dead Rising OTR tools and Tutorials forum page on this website.

Anyhoooo. I didn't know where to post this mod, it's a weapon modification technically. But since it's "cheaty" I guess here is best. Also, I have no idea if this is multiplayer compatible, no matter what

MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR .BIG FILE!!! I cannot stress it enough!.
This mod also replaces the skateboard stats ENTIERLY, so any skateboard you pick up is pretty much always fast, durable, and does a lot of damage.
AS JUST SAID. These skateboards do a ton of damage to zombies, they NEVER break, and their speed is increased.

1. Download the zip by clicking "manual" on the top right.
2. Go into the zip and pull out the .big file.
3. Go into your Dead Rising OTR folder, open "data" and replace your .big file with the one provided in the zip. 


1. When you have access to your .big file. Scroll to find the "items.txt" document.

2. When opened, hit ctrl+f and look up " Skateboard " Then pretty much spam the "find next" button until it tells you that it cannot look for other words with "skateboard" in it

3. Highlight EVERY thing from " cRideableItem Skateboard " ALL the way down to the " } " (If you experience any issues, I'll be providing a link below to a YouTube video which has a tutorial on how to do it)


cRideableItem Skateboard{
AnimationChooserValueForHand = "15"
AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "16"
AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0"
AnimBankName = "skateboard"
AssetFilename = "data/models/weapons/skateboard"
AssociatedMagazineType0 = "18"
AssociatedMagazineType1 = "12"
AudioFilename = "fx_skateboard"
AudioItemName = "Skateboard"
BaseHitDamage = "250"
BenchRestRotation = "0,0,0,1"
BrakeRotationSpeed = "10"
BrakingRate = "4.5"
CollidableQuality = "0"
CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "1000000"
CollisionAudioMaxEnergy = "0"
CollisionType = "3"
DamagePerKMH = "250"
DisplayName = "50823"
DR2 = "true"
Durability = "999"
EjectSpeed = "77"
Friction = "5"
HandlingStyle = "0"
HitReactionSpeedModifier = "1"
IconFilename = "w_skateboard"
InitialSpeed = "3.5"
InteractDistance = "1.4"
InventoryInteractionType = "0"
IsWeapon = "true"
LeanRate = "6"
LoadDistance = "30"
MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "25"
MaxProjectileDamage = "35"
MaxRideSpeed = "24"
MaxRotationSpeed = "2"
MaxSpeed = "24.0"
MinSpeedBrakeTurn = ".05"
MinStairSpeed = "2.5"
ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "79"
ProjectileHitImpulse = "1"
ProjectileHitReaction = "13"
PropAudioType = "4096"
PushImpulse = "4.5"
Restitution = "0.05"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true"
Reticle_Type = "1"
RotationSpeed = "3"
SpeedDecayRate = ".2"
ThrowAngleDegrees = "6"
ThrowEffectOnImpact = "279"
ThrowEffectOnVictim = "162"
ThrowForce = "105"
ThrowSpin = "-0.600,1.400,-2.000"
TurningFriction = ".1"
Type = "1"
UnlimitedDurability = "true"
WeaponType = "16"
Weight = "6"
ZombieBaseHitDamage = "100"
ZombieDamagePerKMH = "150"
ZombieHitReactionSpeedModifier = "0"

4. When replaced, hit " ctrl+s " then close out of it, repack the .big, then copy and paste the .big back into OTR's data folder.

Then you're pretty much done. This mod can be useful in a lot of ways. For example... If you don't want to alter Frank's speed but instead want an alternative option, then well. This does it! If you like the skateboard speed. I guess i'm sorry, this is pretty much the only "mobile" ridable item.

I'd rather keep Frank's slow speed incase i'd want to just not be the flash, so using the skateboard can easily help with that
(Trust me, I didn't make this skateboard god speed, I tried to at least make it some-what controllable)

I made it so it spawns in the Safehouse for me, if anyone would want that code too, let me know. I don't mind sharing it.