TO THE STARS Act 1  Revival

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1 comment

  1. clauDA
    • member
    • 246 kudos

    zu den Sternen,-  to the stars,-  aux étoiles,-  к звездам,- ...

    "Deliver Us The Moon" A fantastic adventure in the style of great classics.
    I like movies like "2001", "Moon" or "Interstellar. "
    They inspired me to share my personal pictures, game settings and joy.

    Mod: >TO THE STARS< - Deliver Us The Moon

    About this game: Deliver Us The Moon is a science fiction thriller set in a near,
    apocalyptic future when the earth's natural resources are depleted.
    To solve the energy crisis, the world powers founded the World Space Agency
    and secured a promising new energy source on the moon.

    The World Space Agency colonized and operated from the moon until, one fateful night,
    communication with Earth ended and the energy source was lost.
    Now, years later, you take on the role of the last astronaut on earth on a survival mission,
    to investigate what happened and to save humanity.
    During this adventure, your only partner is a little robot called ASE.

    Together you will cross the moon, explore abandoned facilities,
    collect clues and finally uncover the secrets and hidden plans of the past!
    Will you save humanity or be forgotten in the dark depths of space?

    The narrative focuses on topical issues such as climate change
    and the depletion of the world's natural resources

    Experience sequences of the game from the 1st and 3rd person
    as you experience a cross-genre story-driven adventure with Deliver Us The Moon
