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Hey man, I'm sending to try to install the DDMK mod for DMC4SE. I'm doing everything right. I downloaded xdelta3.exe that's compatible with my Windows. I'm using cmd, but the commands still aren't working. I'll explain what I've done so far and the problems I'm having.
I downloaded the correct version and put the xdelta3.exe file in the same folder as the game (Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition). I also tried to make sure the file name was correct, without any typos.
First, I opened CMD and changed to the disk where the game is, with the command D:.
Then, I tried to navigate to the game folder using cd "Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition by Igruha\Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition". I put quotes around the path to avoid problems with spaces in the folder name.
However, when I try to run the xdelta3 command to apply the patch, I still get an error message saying that xdelta3.exe is not recognized or a "checksum mismatch" error.
First, I opened CMD and changed to the disk where the game is located, with the command D:.
Then, I tried to navigate to the game folder using cd "Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition by Igruha\Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition". I put the quotation marks around the path to avoid problems with spaces in the folder name.
However, when I try to run the xdelta3 command to apply the patch, I still get an error message saying that xdelta3.exe is not recognized or a "checksum mismatch" error.
I'm a little lost as to where I might be going wrong. Do you have any tips or steps that I'm missing? Do you think it might be something specific to the version of the game I'm using?
Thanks for the help!
Tutorial I used: amsyarzero/install-ddmk-dmc4-linux.md