This Devil Trigger in DMC3 Head Style with DMC4 5 Jacket request

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This Devil Trigger in DMC3 Head Style with DMC4/5 Jacket i want to see it in reality in mods, because i find it amazingly stylish and loving it, DMC3 Devil Triggers are by far my favorite designs and finding this image in Google Images caught my eye and i love it, So the Devil Trigger DMC3 Model for the head would be the MVCI Model of course and i honestly don't know if the jacket will be ever pulled that off in modeling in Blender or some kind, the Basic would be putting the DMC3 DT Head on a DMC4 DT would be very lazy if you ask me but probably would work by standards, but wanting someone to pull off the hard work to make Jacket would be something that i want to see, but the Wings Coat is a problem, but in my POV, i still want the Coat Wings from DMC4 or the DT Coat Transformation that was made can be a substitute for it, I would commission someone to pull this off but unfortunately, i don't own a Credit Card or Paypal to pay someone to do the work and vision i always love to see it in reality of DMC Mods, so if someone with the money to pay a Model Maker to commission this, it would be very much appreciated or someone can do the work freely if they do Model Making, i would very much appreciate the God's Work your pulling off the request i want to see in the future of Modding.

Image not made by me.