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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    Don't know the game, but reading the reviews -- it looks like it would be a good buy for only a few dollars/pounds.
    1. Dazaster
      • premium
      • 420 kudos
      I'd wait and pick up both games for next to nothing in the next(summer?) Steam sale. You don't HAVE to play the first game before this one, but I'd recommend it.
  2. JimmyRJump
    • premium
    • 244 kudos
    Some wonderful shots you've uploaded recently, despite the poor resolution.  Or was that intentional?
    1. Dazaster
      • premium
      • 420 kudos
      Resolution is 3440x1440
      It's your eyes  :P

      Actually, it's a painting filter script I made for paintshop pro.
    2. JimmyRJump
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
      Héhéhé.. I admit my eyesight has deteriorated over the years, but I have seven pairs of glasses to counter that.  Remind me of the paint-filler so I never buy it when wanting to have a go at my walls.

      Lovely screenies nevertheless.