Unfortunately i don't have the software to modding with this game then i'm pretty limited :(
I can just extract pack and repack.
At start i make this mod because i want the "time warp" skill but i don't want to play with fane.
The mod has two versions : Vanilla Prom and Prom.
The Vanilla just give origins skills to all generics characters.
The Prom version :
● All generics characters get origins skills with free AP and Source cost.
● Break The Shackles cooldown decrease to 1 second.
● Play Dead don't freeze cooldown but it's remaining only one turn.
● Time Warp is self cast but get a 5 seconds cooldown.
Prom version is nice for playing on tactician with difficulty mod like monster madness + more monster spawn + tougher boss.
I playing with my Scoundrel mod too.