- Refine results Found 2 results. 362 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Speechcraft - Shared Persuation
This plugin makes all of your companions share the maximum persuation which one of your companions can reach,so no longer you have to decide which one to talk with NPCs.
- 127KB
- 1.7k
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Speechcraft - Shared Persuation
This plugin makes all of your companions share the maximum persuation which one of your companions can reach,so no longer you have to decide which one to talk with NPCs.
Barter Master - Shared Discount
This plugin makes all of your companions share the maximum discount which one of your companions can get,so no longer you have to transfer everything to your barter character.
- 146KB
- 1.6k
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Barter Master - Shared Discount
This plugin makes all of your companions share the maximum discount which one of your companions can get,so no longer you have to transfer everything to your barter character.