Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 66 : Transparent Glass Armor, Book Covers and Werewolf Aftermath

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Glass armor, book covers and something for the werewolf looking for a challenge. A look back at a couple of old mods as well as a few new ones.

Thumbnail image for this video is 'WorldEater' courtesy of kaldaar.

Download links for reviewed mods:
Mods covered in this video:
Better fitting Glass Helmet
BGM Glass and Elven Armour and Weapons
Realistic Transparent Glass Armor and Weapons _UNP female - standard male
Book Covers Skyrim
Werewolf Aftermath - Gota Get My Stuff Back

Mod preview videos:
SpellMaking In Skyrim; The Last Altar


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  1. acdc16
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Gopher,
    I was wondering about your configuration? What is it?
    Thanks a lot for your work man !
  2. syninfamous
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey Gopher I know you're a busy man but I was wondering if you could do a bit of an in-depth Wrye Bash tutorial. The ones on youtube right now, while helpful, aren't nearly as clear/concise as most of your tutorials are and I would really love to get used to making bash patches (especially for monster mod and SIC).

    P.S. I hope this was the right place to post this.
  3. nihiliu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    About Spell Making- i don't now wheather it is mod made by same guy but still...
    It is already on nexus and it works pretty damn well, whats more author is still improving it.
    1. TaichiKid
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Nope, the mod nihiliu is referencing -- Spell Crafting for Skyrim -- is mine, and I wasn't involved with The Last Altar mod. It is interesting how similar the two are though, at least in the general mechanics of how spells are crafted. However, the thematic concepts are quite different.

      Hopefully The Last Altar will be available soon, it will be nice to have some variety available for spell crafting (and competition is always a good thing).
  4. Bloodshank
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This is concerning the glass armor. Their was the same mod as the one shown in the video and was realeased in 2012 by modder named Skysan4298. I would think this other version looks too clear and the version I am trying to explain has a hint of green which I think looks more realistic than the one by mikegemini. I dont know if he took the other guys work or if its the same guy. I am kind of stunned that Gopher now knows about transparent glass armor.
    Here is a link to the transparent glass armor I think is better:
    1. skysan4298
      • member
      • 374 kudos
      Mikegemini is using my mod 29123 texture files for his mod with my permission. I'm on a challenging mission to add a glass distortion to add thickness appearance.
    2. farkhadrasul
      • BANNED
      • 5 kudos
      glass in Hearthfire (meshes\_byoh\clutter\resourses\glass01.nif) has exactly the needed shader set for adding refraction to the glass parts of the armor - i.e. one NiTriShape is alpha-blended and then a duplicated branch that contains SLSF1_Refraction and SLSF1_Fire_Refraction shader flags with Unknown Float 2 set to 1.0, but of course before duplicating any branches you'd need to take that female cuirass and separate all polygons that contain glass into a new NiTriShape using 3ds Max. Male cuirass has the shoulders separated already. As it's a skinned mesh it looks even harder that one might think and the gauntlets are gonna be the hardest part. I had better luck with the shield.
  5. Neuba
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    Will a next mod sanctuary eventually show Sounds of Skyrim? Cliffworm is back and he definately earns some more attention for his wonderful sound mod.

  6. LSaDiablo13
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The transparent glass armor mods (to me) are unrealistic and not lore-friendly since malachite is not very translucent (it's a metallic mineral similar to ebony, but less durable and much less heavy), nor does it share any similarities to window panes.

    Just thought I'd add my two cents to one of your awesome SMSs.
  7. xsbullx
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    Hi Gopher,

    I had posted a comment on the Mod Sanctuary page asking for the image "World Eater" (Not the thumbnail by Kaldaar) to be taken down as that image was taken by me and not the user who posted it to the mod sanctuary page. You can view my original post of the image here: The user either stole the image from that post or from my Flickr page where I had also uploaded it. No worries about making corrections now, but just thought I'd let you know.
    1. Gopher
      • premium
      • 8,314 kudos
      Ok, what was the users name? So I remove the right one.
    2. xsbullx
      • supporter
      • 23 kudos
      User's name is Ihateelves. I believe it was the last image shown in the video this week. Many thanks.
  8. yzerman19
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    I really enjoy your videos. I just don't have enough time to try every new mod out, so I rely on your descriptions.
  9. rarborman
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The favorites mod would be simply changing the script that removes the item from the favorites when you dont have it in your inventory, I'm sure it'll get done it sounds reasonably useful; I'd do it but I have no idea where that is.