About this mod
Buffs the Microwave Beam's DPS and Blast Radius, plus various changes to make the weapon mod feel much less sluggish to use.
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
Not safe for public Battlemode matches.
Needs EternalModInjector to install, read the installation instructions there.
- Doubled the base damage from 50 to 100.
- Halves the fire rate from 50 to 25.
- Reduces all demons' damage resistance towards the weapon mod by half, then further reduced by 20%.
※ Screechers has been set to take 0 damage from the direct beam, preventing accidental Screecher Buff when trying to target another demon, but they are still damaged from the Microwave Blast so you still gotta be careful. - Increased Microwave Blast damage by 30%.
※ Small Microwave Blast gains a special damage modifier that makes nearby fodder demons (except for Maykr Drones and Stone Imps) stagger instantly. - Increased Microwave Blast radius:
- Small: 4m to 6m
- Medium: 6m to 8m
- Large: 8m to 10m
- Super: 10m to 15m
- Movement speed scale when holding down the mod button (with target) increased from 60% to 80%.
- Movement speed scale when holding down the mod button (without target) increased from 85% to 90%.
- Dash modifier when holding down the mod button increased from 60% to 80%.
- Increased Aim Sensitivity modifier when firing from 30% to 50%.
Reasoning for the Changes:
1. Base Damage and Fire Rate
The doubling of base damage and halving of fire rate originally aimed to reduce the weapon mod's ammo consumption while still maintaining its DPS, but it ended up doing the opposite. The weapon mod's ammo consumption was barely reduced but its DPS ended up skyrocketing, but I ended up liking this version with the other changes I made so I decided to keep it.
2. Demons' Damage Resistances
All demons' damage resistances are halved and then further reduced by 20% in order to reduce the weapon's time-to-kill.
This change was made to address the issue from a community-sourced gameplay tech, where the idea was to use the Microwave Beam as a combo finisher in order to deal damage and faltering surrounding enemies, but the super long time-to-kill ended up making the weapon mod require you to memorize your weapon's damage output and the demons' HP in order to execute this tech in actual gameplay, which was just way too much of a requirement when the game is already this chaotic.
For comparison, the time-to-kill and ammo consumption of the weapon between vanilla and modded are as follows:
- Vanilla
- Tyrant = 11.2 seconds, 220 ammo
- Baron of Hell = 10.5 seconds, 206 ammo
- Hell Knight = 5.2 seconds, 100 ammo
- Imp = 1 second, 20 ammo
- Modded
- Tyrant = 4.6 seconds, 183 ammo
- Baron of Hell = 4.5 seconds, 171 ammo
- Hell Knight = 2.4 seconds, 85 ammo
- Imp = 0.5 seconds, 18 ammo
※ I didn't test it on every demon, but I figured just these 4 should be enough.
Not to mention that holding down the meme beam against a heavy or super heavy demon from full HP still consumes a ton of ammo, so the mod still discourages you from doing that, just not as severe as the vanilla game.
I actually tried resetting all the damage resistances to 0% at first, but it ended up killing an Imp in 0.2 seconds and a Tyrant in around 2 seconds which was just hilarious.
3. Blast Damage and Radius
I always thought that it's ridiculous for the small blast from beaming a fodder to not even do enough damage to falter other nearby fodders, so I increased the blast damage by 30% for the small blast, and then do the same for the other 3 blast versions.
Version 1.2 of the mod adds a special damage modifier that makes nearby fodder demons (except for Maykr Drones and Stone Imps) stagger instantly.
With the blast damage change, it feels much more comfortable to blast a close wave of fodder for an easy wave of Glory Kills, but I noticed that the blast radius feels a bit inconsistent, as it feels like it should reach just a bit more, so I also increased the blast radius by 2m for small, medium and large.
For super blasts, I always felt like it doesn't have the reach it should have, especially since you're spending all this time beaming such a big demon, so I increased the blast radius by 5m.
4. Movement, Dash and Aim Modifiers
Reduces the weapon mod's sluggish feel and makes it much less punishing to use.
Cool Microwave Beam Tech Video from the Vanilla Game:
(Unrelated to the mod)