About this mod
Purple version of the Sentinel Hammer based on the Betrayer's hammer seen in the TAG 2 promotional art.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Installation Instructions (Windows & Steam, paraphrased from the Discord channel):
1) Download EternalModInjector.zip archive from the Doom 2016+ Modding Discord server here, and extract its contents to your DOOM Eternal installation's root directory, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DOOMEternal\.
These are all the files you should end up with.
2) Download Very_Purple_Hammer.zip and simply place it in your /DOOMEternal/Mods/ folder. Do not extract the zip folder into the mod folder.
3) Run EternalModInjector.bat. The mod should now work!
Removal Instructions (Windows & Steam)
1) Remove Very_Purple_Hammer.zip from your /DOOMEternal/Mods/ folder.
2) Run EternalModInjector.bat again.
3) The mod should now be removed!
Have fun!