About this mod
Incorporates Classic Mode for the base levels of TAG1 and TAG2. Can be played through a new save or mission select.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Changelogs
For Update 6.66 Rev 2
Information on how to use and create mods are in the DOOM Eternal Modding Wiki: https://wiki.eternalmods.com/
Like in the post-launch Master Levels, you start with an unmodded Combat Shotgun and you must find the rest or your weapons and weapon mods throughout the level.
Classic Mode applies to all the base levels of TAG1 & TAG2 (except The Dark Lord).
You can play the mod as a campaign from a new save or as individual levels in mission select.
Warning: Loading a Classic Mode level will clear all your weapons, and your arsenal will remain cleared on your current save - even if you uninstall the mod.
If you are playing on a preexisting save and want all your weapons back without collecting every pickup, make sure the mod is still installed and execute the console command: trigger give_weapons (requires Meathook installation). After that, the mod can be uninstalled and your save will retain its full arsenal.
Additional Notes:
- Completing Slayer Gates and Second Escalation Encounters reward the Unmaykr.
- TAG1's demon spawns are reverted to how they were before Update 5.0 (Except for The Holt's Slayer Gate, which remains in its current state).
- Some of TAG2's encounters have been buffed to better fit the pacing of Classic Mode.
- The World Spear Master Level and its Classic Mode is unchanged. However, the red lightning hazards has its particles reduced, removing the performance issues it caused.
Known Issues:
- Weapon pickups can sometimes be hard to see on certain video renders.
- Some weapon mods may not register all their upgrades when obtained. Un-equip and re-equip the weapon mod to fix this. This can be done in the Arsenal tab.
- You will be shown your mastery progressions for your weapon mods even though they are all mastered.
- If you picked up a new weapon mod while holding a different weapon, the weapon you are currently holding will swap its own weapon mod.