Dragon Age: Origins
Falon Tabris

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Falon Tabris, the sneaky, filthy looking elf XD Well, that's what most of the descriptions about him will say in the Fan Fiction. But its not meant in a mean way. :) Thanks to the Hairstylists under you Modders, I found the perfect pair of Hair for little Tabris here.

Falon was to be married to a beautiful, young elf. He's a very flirty character. Much like Zevran XD But he has a very deep despite for humans. Not only his mother, but also his future wife were both killed. It made him a very sarcastic and cold hearted man when it came to humans, but he always tried to stay diplomatic so it wouldn't kill him or his family and friends.

After he killed the son of the Lord of Denerim, he was recruited by Duncan and became a Warden alongside Ignitz and Alistair. Later on he left with Riordan for Orlais where he got used to humans little by little. He also met one of the Dalish Elves that became a Warden, too. He's mentioned in the first Chapters of my Fan Fiction Novel and will be having a comeback later on. :)

Falon is a skilled dagger fighter, stealthy thief and accomplished duelist. He loves wine, women and gambling, but also traveling and discovering more about the history of his people.

1 comment

  1. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    I like the sound of him!