Holy Staff

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About this image

I modeled this staff, when I played 'TES IV: Oblivion' but never released as a mod. This is an example of one of many mods that I created and never released to the public.

The staff was not taken from the original game. It was made from scratch by me. :)

Maybe I'll convert it to release for use in Dragon Age. :)


  1. ashtar01
    • premium
    • 96 kudos
    @Anjuli05:Thank you for your compliment.

  2. Anjuli05
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    I'd love to have it in DA. It's really nice.
  3. ashtar01
    • premium
    • 96 kudos
    @LSiwora: Realmente, Brasileiros não desistem jamais.

    Sobre modelagem 3D, sou estudante de Arquitetura e por conta disso tive de aprender a modelagem 3D mas nunca havia usado esse conhecimento para criar itens para Games. Essa staff foi a primeira vez que eu tentei criar algo que não fosse Casas ou Objetos de Arquitetura (Eu a modelei faz uns 3 anos).

    Na internet tem vários tutoriais e vídeos ensinando a modelar em 3D em vários tipos de programas(3Dmax, Maya, Blender etc). Eu ainda estou aprendendo e sou novo nessa coisa de modelagem 3D para Games.

    E isso. Ate mais !

    @Spaceritual: Thank you for your support and if I get some free time I'll release this mod for sure.
  4. LSiwora
    • premium
    • 145 kudos

    Poxa, valeu! Mas você não deve desistir... Brasileiros não desistem nunca, hehehehehehe
    Uma das minhas maiores vontades é aprender a modelagem 3D. Acho que você deveria disponibilizar para DAO, seria muuuito legal!
  5. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Would be nice to see it in DA
  6. Odile
    • supporter
    • 62 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Oh, that's lovely! I'd love to see it in DA
  7. ashtar01
    • premium
    • 96 kudos
    Thanks for all the comments and votes! Those who follow my mods may know why I said that maybe I may turn it into a mod for DA.

    The big problem is my scarce free time which compromises the quality of my mods making people just do not appreciate or criticize my work.

    When I get a good free time I release this mod may believe.

  8. ashtar01
    • premium
    • 96 kudos
    @LSiwora: Olá LSiwora !! Que bom que gostou ! Eu procurei por esta Staff pronta para download mas como não achei decidi fazer uma para eu usar quando jogava Oblivion.

    Legal te ver por aqui outra vez. : )

    PS: Ah! Eu achei muito legal seu mod de texturas de olhos. Mas eu desisti de criar personagem feminina porque a minha primeira ficou muuuito feia! hahah rsrs
  9. ashtar01
    • premium
    • 96 kudos
    @Questorion: Thanks for the suport.

    @Drasanil: Well if I get free time I'll see if I convert it to DA.

    @jdgolke: Thanks for the support.

    @Setiweb: If I get some free time I will try to convert it to DA.

    @Alexbramos: Thanks for the kind comments. I really enjoy the staffs of Warhammer. The staff 'Crescent Moon' by Sinblood I already knew. It was through her that I decided to create this because I love everything that has wings or resemble with angels. The first I did not know (keeper of eternal flame) and I like it and download it to my collection.

    Like I said I'll try to find free time to release this staff.
  10. Questorion
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Looks great!