About this image
I modeled this staff, when I played 'TES IV: Oblivion' but never released as a mod. This is an example of one of many mods that I created and never released to the public.
The staff was not taken from the original game. It was made from scratch by me. :)
Maybe I'll convert it to release for use in Dragon Age. :)
I'd love to have it in DA. It's really nice.
Sobre modelagem 3D, sou estudante de Arquitetura e por conta disso tive de aprender a modelagem 3D mas nunca havia usado esse conhecimento para criar itens para Games. Essa staff foi a primeira vez que eu tentei criar algo que não fosse Casas ou Objetos de Arquitetura (Eu a modelei faz uns 3 anos).
Na internet tem vários tutoriais e vÃdeos ensinando a modelar em 3D em vários tipos de programas(3Dmax, Maya, Blender etc). Eu ainda estou aprendendo e sou novo nessa coisa de modelagem 3D para Games.
E isso. Ate mais !
@Spaceritual: Thank you for your support and if I get some free time I'll release this mod for sure.
Poxa, valeu! Mas você não deve desistir... Brasileiros não desistem nunca, hehehehehehe
Uma das minhas maiores vontades é aprender a modelagem 3D. Acho que você deveria disponibilizar para DAO, seria muuuito legal!
Would be nice to see it in DA
Oh, that's lovely! I'd love to see it in DA
The big problem is my scarce free time which compromises the quality of my mods making people just do not appreciate or criticize my work.
When I get a good free time I release this mod may believe.
Legal te ver por aqui outra vez. : )
PS: Ah! Eu achei muito legal seu mod de texturas de olhos. Mas eu desisti de criar personagem feminina porque a minha primeira ficou muuuito feia! hahah rsrs
@Drasanil: Well if I get free time I'll see if I convert it to DA.
@jdgolke: Thanks for the support.
@Setiweb: If I get some free time I will try to convert it to DA.
@Alexbramos: Thanks for the kind comments. I really enjoy the staffs of Warhammer. The staff 'Crescent Moon' by Sinblood I already knew. It was through her that I decided to create this because I love everything that has wings or resemble with angels. The first I did not know (keeper of eternal flame) and I like it and download it to my collection.
Like I said I'll try to find free time to release this staff.
Looks great!