Dragon Age: Origins
Tenebryael - sleeping alone

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Falling into sleep, Tenebryael is dreaming of his upcoming visit to the Circle tower. He knows that Uldred returned alive from Ostagar; a potent mage that he is, how could he not survive.
The young Warden mage can't wait to see his first love. It was right before the battle in Ostagar when they were together last time. And after Ostagar Tenebryael was long time in distress, he could hardly think of having sex with anyone.
As the young mage was getting used to his new stressful yet free life as Warden, he started flirting with the guys that accompanied him. Sten seemed to be not into guys (or maybe not into anyone at all), and Alistair acted like he couldn't understand, probably he wasn't into guys either. Zevran, on the contrary, seemed too understanding, eager to be bedded just right off, yet Tenebryael didn't trust him enough. Lastly, Rory, so suitable yet contradictory, playing with his heart could turn out fun...
Tenebryael's heart still belongs to Uldred - he is special, absolutely adorable, and noone can ever be compared to this man. Tenebryael is missing him so much, thinking of him while falling asleep in the tent...

Return to the Circle Tower will become disastrous for the Warden, as he will find the subject of his infatuation possessed by a Pride demon, will be forced to kill him, his lover, his love. This is going to be the first time when Tenebryael is stripped of his usual self-confidence, seeing fallen the man whose mind he always considered the strongest of all.


  1. deleted6317247
    • account closed
    • 39 kudos
    He is stunningly handsome.

    Really enjoyed reading about him as well. Haven't seen anyone pairing their characters with Uldred. Interesting pairing.
    1. dustinflan
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      Ahh thank you <3 I was planning on making someone for trying out the ser Gilmore companion mod, but couldn't come up with a nice human this time (that won't have looked liek a copy of my previous human warrior), BUT when I created Tenebryael and started his Origin I was like- he's absolutely Uldred's boy.
      Tenebryael will try out Rory most likely, idk if it ends well for either though.
  2. BlackOrchid
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Interesting story as always Dustin. ^_^ What can I say about Tenebryal.. He is so handsome!
    1. dustinflan
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      Thank you, the mage origin is my absolute fave in DA:O.
  3. deleted23328924
    • account closed
    • 48 kudos
    I really loved reading this and Tenebryael is so handsome and gorgeous!
    1. dustinflan
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      Thank you. Tenebryael's my battlemage warden, also experienced in blood magic but he quit using it. Initially he was intended for romancing Rory Gilmore from the ser Gilmore companion mod. But they did not match in any way. Haha
  4. Silverstarre
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    He's so handsome! Seriously, I wish I had your talent for making males in the DAO CC. The closest I've ever come to making a good-looking male character was with my Alim...but I think Alim's more adorable than beautiful. Tenebryael is just beautiful. Great job on him!
    1. dustinflan
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      Thank you <3 It's not easy indeed to make a beautiful guy via DAO CC, but I am experienced in guys' creation XD Also, it won't have been possible without the nice mods I have installed - the Nightcrawler hair and Dimitri skin.