Dragon Age: Origins
Solona responds to Mike Laidlaws tweet

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  1. Phripp
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    ROFL, this is gold! It makes me feel a little better.
    I'm a DAO/2/I late-bloomer, so it took me a while to catch-up to the current fandom. And I was very sad when I discovered that tweet.
    I saw that tweet and was like, "But I just got here, and I'm in love with my characters...and Alistair. Then Bioware closed down the BSN, and now you're telling me that I wont see my DAO family again? Elissa Cousland...I feel ya, girl." *Sniff* *Regains composure* "I will cut you!" o.O

    Also, I'm hoping Laidlaw was just farewell-trolling everyone to throw us off-track from DA4 content spoilers. *Fingers-crossed*
  2. ChaosIsGolden
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Lol, while I was a bit sad when this came out. I have to admit I'm somewhat glad they're leaving the Warden alone, I really don't want another Revan from TOR.
  3. Hayllee
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    I never saw this. Ugh. Does this mean we're not getting more updates via letters and dialogue?

    Better for them to keep their hands off of our Wardens, anyway, I guess. They'll just mess them up.
  4. rosvitacousland
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    Well, I guess, BioWare is its own copycat. They want to profit by the big name Dragon Age.

    However, obviously, they love to develop new characters. It's much more difficult to integrate existing characters than to create new ones.

    But they defeat the purpose of a serial of games:

    - There has to be an added value for players, who already played the prequels.
    - We players love our personal characters, which we fed up.
    - We players love our familiar companions.
  5. Tinimaus
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    That tweet broke my heart. One week ago, and I'm still heartbroken.