Dragon Age: Origins
Finally Success

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  1. 1962sweet
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Stunningly beautiful!
  2. Phripp
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    That is absolutely stunning! I love the crown that you used, too.

    Someday soon, I also hope to run DLs Royal Wedding mod, and tweak it so that both Alistair and Cousland are wearing a crown for my play-through. I have good instructions and materials from many people (including rosvitacouseland, yay!), but this will take me forever because I'm barely familiar with Toolset, gyGFF editors, etc.

    I'm glad and excited to see that another person achieved this. It's nice to see what creative choices you used to customize your scene. Thanks for sharing!
    1. ShepShy
      • member
      • 337 kudos
      Iam really glad you like it :-)
      Well it took me a while until I figured out how to bring the dress into the wedding scene.
      If I can help you with that, just let me know. You don´t have to waste your time with try and errow until you´re able to bring your stuff into the wedding mod ;-)
      Maybe I´ll upload new dresses for the wedding scene if I would get permissions from the original authors and if people are general interested.