Dragon Age: Origins
Pearls of Denerim

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When I was looking for the lost tattoo mod, I looked at my old mod that changes the Pearl employees and MY GOD they make me cringe. >.> So I decided to redo them all! Except for Risi's hair, all other mods will be from Nexus. 

I'm trying to change them so they look pretty, but not vulgar, and so that they give the customers a bigger choice. :)

Here are some of the boys (male 5, 6 and 2 respectively). I hope your Wardens will like them. ?


  1. Elynda
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    Yes, my warden will take all 3.
    1. ventisquear
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      That makes Sanga very happy!