Dragon Age: Origins
He Lives Again

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I wonder if this is just a weird bug in my game or a known thing. I decided to check out the Harrowing Chamber again, which I've never done before, and found that Uldred resurrects every time I enter... I guess at least they don't have to summon a demon for the Harrowings.


  1. Shanamah
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    I've had that happen when I didn't loot everything from his corpse.  He wants to make sure I take all his junk, I guess.  :p
  2. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    I've never thought to do that. Do you have to fight him or is he just standing there? Edit: Silly question; from the picture it looks like you do have to fight him.
    1. ScrierOne
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Yep, he's big mad about being killed. It seems you could also farm him for XP if you wanted to.