Dragon Age: Origins
Miriel Cousland

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About this image

A showcase of the mod currently being worked on by Archeon Games, LLC.

The player gets two pieces of meteorite and two choices. Two 1h Starfangs or One 2h Starfang. This mod will equally balance both swords out if two starfang's are chosen and produce a slightly more powerful 2h sword.

Coming Soon!


  1. Athelos
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Thank you Spaceritual, I actually searched long and hard for the Dragon Age font when I put it together. It was a hard font to find but it may also be noted that Bioware made a few modifications to the font as well.
  2. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    very good scene indeed