1. Offkorn
    • premium
    • 237 kudos
    If installing this Mod for the first time on an existing character, or updating one from a pre-1.2 version installation, make ABSOLUTELY SURE they have no Spell/Talent effects currently active (deactivate all Sustainable Abilities and wait for temporary effects to run out). Otherwise you may end up with permanent property modifiers.

    This is mainly controlled by the rules_core.ncs file, so if you've already installed/updated you can simply temporarily delete that file, load up your game and wait the effects out, save and then restore it.

    If you do end up with permanent modifiers for whatever reason (stats are displayed in red/green with no items equipped or effects active), the remove_all_modifiers console command may help.
  2. IsekaiMods
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    What specializations and classes are included in this?
  3. EmperorZephyr
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    Hate to ask, but how would I go about adjusting the cooldowns of abilities? Is this possible with the GDA or would I need something else? I like the spirit eater's abilities but I feel like 300 seconds to wait between uses is going to drive me insane if I'm trying to optimize its use by waiting for it to be up each fight to get as many gems as possible.
    1. balmz
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      yeah it can easily be edited in the gda
    2. EmperorZephyr
      • premium
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      In that case, I believe I found the spirit eater file (alspiriteater_default), but I can't make much sense of the info (I am not a programmer). What files correlate to the spirit eater main skill line, and what part of that governs cool down?

      Thank you for any  information you can provide on this.
    3. balmz
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      the gda affects cooldown, search the top for the cooldown label then find it for sprit eater and adjust it
    4. qwerter97
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      Sorry for the necrobump but this wasn't answered and it's the first result on google. What you want is the ab_base_jxmod.gda file found in <Documents>\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\zz_JX Resources and you want to adjust the cooldown column for rows 95061, 95062, 95063, and 95064. Somehow cooldowns are shared and i'm not sure how to affect that, but this should be a good start.
  4. shawn81890
    • supporter
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    any body know how to stop it from crashing before the first time you meet Morrigan's mother? never mind fix the issue the temp party members were at a level they shouldn't have been at.
  5. Lao333
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    JX - Dragon Age Extended version 1.23 takes me to the debug room, any solution?
  6. tolmir
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    this mod seem to break combat tweaks shapeshifting change where modals are supposed to stay on while shapeshifting, is there a way to change it back ? I am not quite sure where to change it 
  7. Iuithion
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    Does anyone know how to fix the haste glitches? I am talking about both the ritualist's haste increasing your speed indefinitely until it expires, and the glitch where characters become horribly slow if a mage uses haste on them, then turns it off. (Mostly the second one. The first one is just annoying, but with the second one it's basically impossible to use haste)
    1. claypokeart
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      I've just come across this too. It's a real shame as the mod is really good. The only somewhat "solution" I've seen was posted by Asuke01 who says to Cast haste then remove the Core file from resources and then put it back. But I think you have to do this every time you want to use it which is a such a hassle. I doubt the mod maker is planning on fixing it so, for now, it's either never use haste again or uninstall the mod.
    2. firesparq
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Hey guys, this issue bugged me so much, I worked on a solution. Let me know if you have any troubles with it :)
  8. DaenathSakandar
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    I was trying to play with this mod in "Leliana Song" playthrough...some of the spells in the "Mage" category seem to show up with no name or description although I thought that removing the Teleport spell mod would solve the issue (but didn't...)...

    Moreover I was trying to use Freeze Bombs with characters who have Poison-Making and I get an error message like "He doesn't have Throw Bombs"...what could be causing this?

    ...which files could be either causing that error or "hiding" the acquisition of a Throw Bomb skill?

    ...and what file could be causing the lack of description and name of some spells? 🤔

    ...and also...is it normal that the modules of this mod show up as DLCs? 🤔
  9. Calandrax
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    If anyone runs across this issue with your skills/talents displaying as "Class name not found" and the descriptions only having (). Try installing the primary JX_DA_Extension and any optional dazip files(such as JXM_cs_pack) with DAUpdater.exe instead of with DAO-Modmanager. Your DAUpdater should be located where ever you downloaded your default game files for example 
    For some reason Installing the files with DAUpdater and not DAO-Modmanager fixed the problem of skills/talents not displaying properly. 

    You can install the JX_Core_resources with DAO-Modmanager or manually extract or copy files into your override. Same with the JX_Single_Player files. The instructions say to put the JX_Single_Player files into <Documents>\BioWare\Dragon Age\modules\single player\override, but the warlock and spirit eater classes were not allowing me to select an origin story. What I did to fix this was to extract the JX_Single_Player files into <Documents>\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\single player

    Hope this helps! 
    1. Gepli
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Don't wanna necropost, but I have to thank you, this is the only solution that worked for me
  10. ChristianStyler
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    • 1 kudos
    I think the warlock is a bit bugged, seeing on how you can activate an element essence at the same time as the other 2 essence lines. but it only uses the element one.
  11. yellowlime12
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    I can't pick any of the custom classes at character creation, i can see them but they're all grayed out. If someone knows what I did wrong I would appreciate getting told.
    1. balmz
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      • 3 kudos
      what method did you use to install the mod, it might be the wrong one