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About this mod

Removes the gender check from a male-only dialogue option during the Joining.

Permissions and credits
More options for girl Wardens to tell Jory off, V.1.1

File Under: too much time on my hands and stupid things I made for myself


Dragon Age: Origins


When Ser Jory starts to lose it prior to the Joining ceremony, the dialogue options of

'Calm down...' and 'I don't like this...'

are available to both male and female player characters.

In the vanilla game, a male Warden can also tell Jory to

'Stop yammering! You're giving me a headache.'

A female Warden, however, has to play the gender card if placating or empathy isn't desired, with her only other choice being

'I swear I'm the bravest one here, and I'm a woman.'

Inspired by a recent private discussion regarding whether any Thedan woman would actually utter the latter, I braved the toolset dialogue editor (for the first time ever!) and removed the male PC-only flag from the 'yammering' line, affording female Wardens a broader array of roleplay options on their way to mastering their taint.

To install:

Place the 'zz_no_gender_joining' folder in the BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override folder.

To Uninstall:

Delete the 'zz_no_gender_joining' folder from override.


Will conflict with any other mod that edits Ser Jory's dialogue. The affected files are



2017/07/01  Version 1.1 Revised ReadMe (for Nexus only)
2016/01/01  Version 1.0




'Thank you!' to Kajana for inspiring this.