About this mod
This mod will make your followers visible during the battle speech before you charge into Denerim.
- Permissions and credits
To install, download the file and extract it into your override folder. (BioWare/Dragon Age/packages/core/override)
The following core resources were modified:
Any mod also changing these files will conflict.
Known Issues
If Anora gives the speech, Alistair will not be visible in the final "For Ferelden" shots.
Unfortunately, I didn't have access to that particular cutscene resource.
(But he is there in our hearts)
The ever helpful Sinnadrin pointed out that clipt_generic_actions.ncs is also modified by Improved Atmosphere,
in Module 7. Extras => 7.3. Optional Campaign Mods => Alistair Climax Speech.
In order for Battle Speech Party to work, you need to remove the file from the IA folder, and keep mine in your override.
After Cullenite reported about the game crashing after the cutscene, I've uploaded a fixed version.
If you stumble upon any problems, please let me know and I'll try to fix it!
A big thank you to my testers LadyDao and lykris <3