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About this mod

The blight is coming, Grey Warden, It's time to build up your own army.

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Mod Description: Warden's Army

This mod builds upon my previous work, the  "New compatible patch for all playable mature companion mod" While it’s not yet fully complete, I’ve reached a good stage where it’s playable and functional.

Warden's Army is a hub which mix all existing playable companions from different mods together in your party picker. It also provide player additional quest / 
A new armor set / a couple of new companion while enhance external companion mod with additional feature which provide better game experience.

With Warden's Army mod install, you can now play whatever companion mod you want. (In the past, those mods are not fully compatible with each other)

If you want to play the new content, you will need to install the corresponding companion mod. The more mod you install, the more content will reveal in the game.

Note: If you don't know how to install any specific companion mod, go check my previous mod to get download link and installation instruction.

Installation Instructions:

Important Note:

Your existing companions will still appear in the party picker because Warden’s army already includes all support mods (both normal and mature versions).
Feel free to try out the mod and share your feedback! Your opinions and suggestions will help me improve it further.


New maps : 

1. Recruitment Center 1: 

* Player can recruit companions here after installing the appropriate companion mod.

        * Each companion is paired with an agent who provides options for managing the companion.

        * Showcase : Warden's Army showcase- Recruitment Center 

2. Recruitment Center 2:

        * This area serves as an additional space for managing companions from the mod “Party Recruiting”.

        * A new quest is added -- " Abraxas: The Forgotten Demon". 
          Completing this quest allows players to hire a new companion named “Abraxas The Demon Mage". 

        * Note: 

         * The quest is still in development (33% complete), but players can currently fight different bosses and eventually side with Abraxas to  defeat the final boss.
         * A complete version of this quest and companion will be released in the next patch.

3. Party campsite 2: 

* A new campsite is added specifically for companions who don’t have a place in the original campsite.

        * A new merchant with “Fun Service” is available in this campsite.

* Showcase : Warden's Army showcase- 2nd Party Camp


New Feature:

1. Add more options on each companion's dialog to provide the service listed below: 

*  Hire companion with 3 class options - Warrior, Rogue and Mage
        *  Fire companion

        *  Special Service 
               -- Gold Lottery -- You might lose gold instead, hehe. 
               -- Exp Lottery
               -- Merchant
               -- Enchantment
               -- Summon bosses.
  The special service is only available on some companions. 

2. Add an agent for each playable companion in the Recruitment Center 1 & 2, which provide the service listed below:

        *  Hire companion with 3 class options - Warrior, Rogue and Mage.
        *  Fire companion. 

        *  Re-spec companion with 3 class options - Warrior, Rogue, and Mage.
        *  Summon bosses in the Recruitment Center 1 or 2.

3. Companion core function enhanced.

*  When player hire a companion, a new set of rules will apply to it which provide the feature listed below:

    > Enable Ambient system           -> The companion will perform an action in the party camp when warden get close to them.
            > Enable Approval bar.                 
    > Assign a soundset.                   -> The companion will shout base on the situation.
            > Able to gain exp and level up
            > Immortal effect disable            -> companion will die in battle now instead of hang in around with 1 hp. 
            > Race defined 
            > Class defined by player's choice.
            > Scale up the equipment.          -> The rank of companion's equipment(Armor & weapon) will be adjusted based on Warden's current level.

4. Companion mod rewrite. 

* Mod "Party Recruiting" has been rewrite with new quest/ new boss fight and a new armor set. 
* Bug fix on various mod. 
* New companion added on various mod.   

Support Mod List & Change: 

1. Original Story:   

The following companions

> Fenarel 
        > Merrill
        > Daveth
        > Jory

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 
> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 

But their dialog is fixated on a specific part in their own story, player can only manage the class or hire/fire them through the Agent.

Note :  All 4 companion will be available to hire in the Recruitment Center 1 after warden finish the main quest with Flemeth.
The following companion 

        > Loghain

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 
> Added to party picker.  
> Added to original party campsite.
        > Core function enhanced.

But player can only hire Loghain by typing the command listed below:

> runscript loghain_addparty

Note : 1. Loghain's agent will be added in the next patch. 
                   2. Loghain will show up next to Alistar's position in the original party camp. 

2. Party Recruiting: (Party Recruiting V1.0)  

The following companion

      > RikkuDuncanAndrastallaTrogaLady of the Forest
      > FlemethArl EamonKing CailanQueen Anora
has been modify with the feature listed blow: 
> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 2.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 
> Dialog & enemy enhanced by their own story in the Dragon Age story series.
> Part of the companion also provide special service to warden after hiring them.

To improve the game experience, the mod's area is also enhanced with new quests, new boss fight and a new armor set.

> New quest : Soulbound Salvation
        -- Objective : Rescue all 9 heroes from demon's hand.
-- Showcase :
 Warden's Army Showcase__Soulbound Salvation -- Duncan Part 
-- Showcase-boss fight : 
 Warden's Army Showcase -- Soulbound Salvation -- Boss fight at Flemeth Part

> New quest: In the name of Andraste
-- Objective : Purge the Corrupted Wardens while searching for missing companions
-- Showcase-boss fight :
Warden's Army Showcase -- In the name of Andraste -- Boss fight 

> A new armor set as reward after boss fight.

> Note: 
-- In the name of Andraste is fully complete, but Soulbound Salvation only finish like 90%.
   The last boss fight for Cailan and Anora will be updated in the next patch.

-- For now, after successfully rescue Arl Eamon, player can also hire Cailan and Anora directly when enter the final room.

3. Dark Time Act 1: (Dark Times : The confederacy of malkuth act 1)  

* Two new companion has been added to the game: 

> Isaac the demon boy.
                > Miriam the demon girl. 

With the new feature apply on them: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 

Both character will be available to play after installing the mod.


> The agent for companion Thazulok  / Lethe / Myrdo will be added in the next patch.

4. Enigma Dungeon: (Enigma Battle Arena and Dungeon)  

* A new companion has been added to the game: 

> Earth Spirit
With the new feature apply on her: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 
> Provide various special service

* The following companion:

> Vishala
> Vekuul

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 
> Special service - Merchant, only available inside dungeon


> All 3 companion and their agent will not show up in the Recruitment Center 1 until player hire them from Enigma dungeon. 

5. Lealion and Legion: (Lady Lealion and Legion)  

* The following companion:

> Lealion
> Legion

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 
> Dialog fully rewrite. 
> Special service - Summon boss


> Both companion will not spawn in the Recruitment Center 1 until player hire them at Lothering.

6. Lady of the Forest: (Lady of the Forest Companion )  

* The following companion:

> Serenity

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 
> Dialog fully rewrite. 
> Special service - Summon boss, Merchant at original party camp


> After installing the mod, Serenity will spawn at original party camp and Recruiting Center 1.

7. Return to Korcari Wilds: (Return to Korcari WIlds)  

* A new companion has been added to the game: 

> Ariane the Dalish Mage
With the new feature apply on her: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to original party campsite 
> Core function enhanced. 
> Special service : Summon boss

* The following companion:

> Douglas
> Ser Kennie

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to original party campsite.
> Core function enhanced.


> Ariane will spawn outside of Ser Kennie's camp when player enter Korcari Wilds for the first time.
> All 3 companion will not spawn in the Recruitment Center 1 until player play the mod and hire them to party.
> Ariane's dialog is not fully complete, I got a draft document from the current mod owner.
   When I have time I will add codex and the rest part of dialog to Ariane.

8. Tevinter Warden: (Tevinter Warden)  

* The following companion:

> Lanna
> Willam
> Martin
> Marric

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced.
> Special service -- give random amount of gold


> Tevinter Warden is an unfinished companion mod, similar to Party Recruiting. I planned to add more quest/map 
   to make it better. With AI's help, I've already got a nice background story draft for this mod, all I need is time to implement it.
> For now, all 4 companion's dialog has been rewrite and enrich a bit more with the story script I got.

9. Small Restoration: (Small Restorations) 

* A new companion has been added to the game: 

> Moira the Blood Mage
With the new feature apply on her: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to original campsite and Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced. 


>  Moira give warden a potion after talking to her, it's a feature from original mod design so I decided not to modify her dialog file. 
>  Because of that reason, player can only manage Moira's setting through her agent. 

10. Adopted Dalish: (ADOPTED DALISH ORIGIN )  

* The following companion:

> Senros
> ilyana
> Merrilyla
> Dominique
> Anaise

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2.
> Core function enhanced.


> There is no way to modify the dialog file without builder project, so player can only hire / fire or change class through the agent.
> All 5 companion will spawn at Recruitment Center 1 after player finish main story with Flemeth.
> If you are NOT start the origin story as Adopted Dalish, I highly recommend not talk to any of these companion if you decided to hire them for fun.
> If you start the origin story as Adopted Dalish, It's totally fine to interact with them. 

11. Sapphos Daughters: ( Sapphos Daughters  )  

* The following companion:

> Gina

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to original party campsite. 
> Core function enhanced.

player can hire her at Lake Calenhad dock after finishing the "Broken Circle" quest or type the command listed below if you don't see her. 

> runscript gina_addparty


> Gina is a new character which is introduced during the broken circle main quest.
By default, player should be able to hire Gina at Lake Calenhad dock after finishing the quest,
but I got trouble which Gina didn't appear at dock all the time. Probably because of mod conflict.
I offer a script which allow player to hire Gina to party if this scenario happen. 

> Using script is...a temporary solution, I will place a Gina in the Recruitment Center instead to solve the problem.
> Gina and her agent will be added to the Recruitment Center in the next patch.

12. In Search of Raina: ( Part of Sapphos Daughters's sub mod)  

* Installation Instructions:

> Move the folder "Origins" to "Overwrite".  
> Install all 4 dazip files. 

* How to start the story: 

> After installing the mod, a mouse agent will spawn at Recruitment Center 1. Talk to it to start the story.

* A new companion has been added to the game: 

> Raina 
With the new feature apply on her: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2. 
> Core function enhanced. 
> New dialog for Raina. 
> Special service : Summon boss

* The following companion:

> Terra 

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2. 
> Core function enhanced.

13. Warden's Women: ( The Wardens Women - Dalish Quest  )  

* A new companion has been added to the game: 

> Elora
With the new feature apply on her: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2. 
> Core function enhanced. 

* The following companion:

> Mithra

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Added to Recruitment Center 1.
> Added to Party Campsite 2. 
> Core function enhanced.


> Elora is supposed to be a companion for warden on treasure discovering quest if warden's race is not Dalish. 
   But for now, regardless the warden's race, only Mithra will join warden's party.

> I only make Elora a playable companion, but her dialog option cant be modify currently because she is part of the side quest NPC
   in the main Dalish stroy. I will see what I can do to Elora. 

> For now, player can hire Elora & Mithra through the agent In the Recruitment Center 1.
   They both will spawn even warden is not start the mod quest yet.

14. The Isle of broken dream: (THE ISLE OF BROKEN DREAMS )

* The following companion:

> Isabella

has been modify with the feature listed blow: 

> Added to party picker. 
> Core function enhanced.

player can only hire Isabella by typing the command listed below:

> runscript isabella_addparty


> After finishing the mod story and return to Denerim, player can use the command to hire Isabella.
> Isabella and her agent will be added to Recruitment Center in the next patch.

List of Companion mod which only added to party picker. 

* The companion from the following mod

- Karma's companions
                - Quest and Legends
                - Saarebas the qunari mage
                - Ser Gilmore companion full voiced
                - Sairelle the follower
                - MerAnn's Dwarf Companion
                - The bloodworks 

are being added to party picker. But without any new feature apply on them.


> In Karma's companions, another Ser Gilmore is introduced in the game but I didn't know. Now he has a position in the party picker. 
   After rescuing him from the Cousland dungeon, player will be able to hire him. 

> On my schedule list, I want to assign an agent for the rest of companion so player can change their class or hire/fire them whenever they want. 
   It's not an easy task because that means I need to watch their source code from mod package and see if there is any opportunity to add any change.

> I planned to finish the small mod first -- The bloodworks/ Sairelle the follower / Ser Gilmore companion / Saarebas
  then handle the rest BIG one if necessary. 

List of Companion mod which is not included in Warden's Army yet, but will be added in the next patch.

- Abraxas: The Demon Mage
- Sentinels of Sylaise


> Abraxas is my first attempt of creating a custom companion mod, I got this idea while interact with AI so i'm planning to finish this companion.
> Sentinels of Sylaise is part of the sub quest of the mod "Adopted Dalish", I've noticed it introduced 3 new heroes so I will try to add them to 
   Warden's Army as well.