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Click on your camp tent to go to sleep alone, with dog, or snuggle with a love interest. Wake up to a beautiful camp morning.
- 52.7MB
- 13.5k
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Click on your camp tent to go to sleep alone, with dog, or snuggle with a love interest. Wake up to a beautiful camp morning.
Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding
Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding scene
- 3.6MB
- 7.1k
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Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding
Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding scene
Dragon Age - Lighting Enhanced
A ENB/SweetFX based lighting enhancement for Dragon Age Origins. Updated to 1.1!
- 237KB
- 3.6k
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Dragon Age - Lighting Enhanced
A ENB/SweetFX based lighting enhancement for Dragon Age Origins. Updated to 1.1!
natural lighting for the character creator
What it says on the tin.
Enhanced Graphics Reshade improves the graphics in the game by adding sharpness, color enhancement, creating the illusion of volumetric lighting and much more.
- 35.3MB
- 599
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Enhanced Graphics Reshade improves the graphics in the game by adding sharpness, color enhancement, creating the illusion of volumetric lighting and much more.
Make your Dragon Age more film looking
Sick and tired of nighttime? This mod will allow you to camp out in the daytime so you can bask and enjoy the warm sun.
- 12.4MB
- 384
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Sick and tired of nighttime? This mod will allow you to camp out in the daytime so you can bask and enjoy the warm sun.
Removes potentially triggering flashing vfx, by request
Stand alone campain for Dragon age : Origins which take place in orlesian city Jader.
Improves graphics and lighting, bringing game closer to modern standard when paired with texture mods.
- 4KB
- 103
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Improves graphics and lighting, bringing game closer to modern standard when paired with texture mods.