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"Can we be curious in discerning a counterfeit from the true Pearle?"
Henry Peacham Jr., The Complete Gentleman, Chapter I Of Nobility in General: that is a Plant from Heaven, London, 1634.
DTD Music — Unpredictable
"It is easily slipping in, but the returning and gotting out full of difficulty."
[Facilis descensus Averno: ... Sed revocare gradum— (Virgil, Aeneid, Book VI, l. 126 & 128)]
Henry Peacham Jr., The worth of a penny; or, A caution to keep money, London, 1664, p. 15.
"Our English Penny consisteth of four farthings, and a Farthing is so called from the old Saxon or high Dutch, ...,
that is a fourth thing, because from the Saxon time, untill Eward the third, the Penny of this land had a Cross
stuck so deep in the midst thereof, that you might break out any part of the four to buy what you thought good
withal, which was in those times their farthing."
Henry Peacham Jr., The worth of a penny; or, A caution to keep money, London, 1664, p. 22.
"As Fedora stands watching the other men digging, Indy puts the Cross in his pants and begins to pull himself
up a rope hanging nearby. As he climbs, Indy’s feet break a wooden beam, attracting the men’s attention."
Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, 1989, Dir.: Steven Spielberg [Dig with your hands. Not with your mouth.]
Brian Delgado — No matter what, I will fight
"Asses would prefer sweepings to gold."
Heraclitus, Fragment 9.
"Climax is the repetition of the last word of one clause or sentence at the beginning of the next, through several."
Henry Peacham Sr., The Garden of Eloquence, London, 1577 [Greek "ladder"].
"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience,
experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad
in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."
Romans 5:3, King James Version.