About this mod
Entire set of Female Elf Armor Replacements for Champion and Family and more.
- Permissions and credits
Just added a file that can turn the entire Hawke family into elves. So now you don't have to pretend you were adopted;) Only thing to keep in mind is that mother Hawke's outfit is not specfic to her, so you may see it on other npc's. Check out the pics, Enjoy!
It took more time and more scotch then I thought but I finally got it done!
BEFORE you go downloading all willy nilly like take a moment and let me explain a few things. The files here are REPLACEMENTS for armor. they can replace Mage, Rogue, and Warrior Champion Armors with female elf armors. There are also files to replace Blood Dragon Armor and the first sets of armor you wear at the beginning of the game for Mages, Rogues and Warriors.
I included all the female elf armors I could find in the files I sifted through. So it breaks down like this. 4 sets of female elf armor and 5 sets of female mage robe armor NOT including both Merril's outfits, that are also available to wear. Since the mage robes are tied to the Champion Mage armor set, it means they require gloves and boots to look proper, so there are 4 variations of each robe, same goes for Merrils outfits. By variation I mean there is a file for each robe containing the boots and gloves from each female elf armor set. I have included some pictures to help out.
The file names are also named in accordance to the raw data names for the outfits ie. "hf arm_ric -ef arm_hvyn" the first part is what the file use to be "hf=human female, ric=Iconic Rogue Champion Armor" the second part is what the file had been turned into "ef=elf female, arm=armor, hvyn=a type of armor. I have included pictures of hvyn, hvyo, appa, etc.
One more thing, when you get to the Mage Champion Armors and Merrils Armors you will notice the file names have a different ending, ie,"...ase hvyn"The "ase" stands for "accessory" meaning this particular file contains the boots and gloves from the armor "hvyn".
I have also included two female elf head morphs, one that can be used to change the default head of female hawk upon starting a new game and the other one that shows up as a selectable preset in character creation. BEFORE you go saying can you make a better looking female head morph I would like to explain something. All these head morphs you are seeing are taken from characters who are already in DA 2. I am not making these morphs myself but am simply swapping file names so the head from a female elf in the game is made selectable. There are around 43 female elf head files that i currently see and to go through each one and convert it for use in game would be quite a choir. I do plan on converting more female head morphs, and if you know the name of a female elf you saw in game that looked good tell me in the comments and I will see if a file matches the name.
A MOD I recommend is Chargen Revamp from trufflesduval which can be found here http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2145
using this will let you do some editing to the elf head morphs I release. Keep in mind some presets in the character creation will not play nice with the elf head morphs.
ONE LAST THING...Remember to have only one file for a specific armor in your override folder at a time. Meaning you can have Rogue and Mage Champion armors installed at the same time but two Champion Mage armors is a no no. And if you use the armors that replace the starting Mage, Rogue or Warrior armors I would recommend taking them out of your override folder after you get some new armor because remember, these replace armors, so some other npc in the game that may use that same armor I replaced would end up with a female elf body...weird I know.
This is my first big mod project for any game and I am no expert...so with that said, stop reading this and go enjoy!
gff4 Editor
Erf Packer:
-- by gibbed