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About this mod

Fifty Shades of shiny, subversive Magic,
complete with Justice/Vengeance FX.

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Fifty Shades of Mage

Okay - maybe 50 is a slight exaggeration; more like twelve, to be honest...
but hey, with looks this good, Anders will be putting in all kinds of overtime!

So I have a confession: until recently, I had never romanced Anders. I blamed Hawke's lack of interest on all that rabid whingeing; the random acts of lunacy; his snarky comments about Fenris.

It couldn't just be his appearance. True, the roguish twinkle and killer cheekbones of
Awakening Anders had somehow mutated into a doughy, constipated squint, but surely neither Hawke nor I could be that shallow... right?

Nope. It was all about his personality, I decided. This was simply not the wry, sexy Mage I had known and loved in

Then I changed his face. And suddenly the irritating whiner was transformed into a passionate rebel; a soulful crusader desperate to save his people from an insidious evil. Heathcliff in feathered pauldrons, with a handful of fireworks and a heart full of Hawke.

So yup - it turns out, I really am that shallow.   

For anyone who ever looked at vanilla Anders and winced, I am happy to present...

Fifty Shades of Mage!

Our feisty apostate is now available in four tasty flavours:

  • Raggedy Anders  -  freckled, pale and intense
  • Anders in the Dark  -  apparently that 'Blondie' nickname is ironic
  • Anders on Ice  -  a frosty apostate with tats and attitude
  • Anders for the Gold  -  a rougher, tougher Mage, for those who enjoy a strong jaw

Each of these Mages features three variants, designed to convey the ravages of time (and demon possession) on Anders. They are labelled by Act, so if you like, you can download a fresh Anders for each Act of the game. Just remember to remove whichever '50 Shades' folder you're not using from your 'override' folder.   :)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

To install your chosen Shade of Mage, unzip your file of choice, and drop the enclosed folder into your 'override' folder, thus:

Documents / BioWare / Dragon Age 2 / packages / core / override / 50-Shades-of-Mage Folder

To uninstall, simply delete the '50 Shades' folder from your 'override'.

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50 Shades of Mage is a stand-alone mod (no other downloads are required). Any other mods that tweak Anders' face will almost certainly conflict with this one; all other mods, including those that change armour, clothing, or body textures, should work just fine. Please feel free to contact me if you need assistance, or if you just want to offer feedback. Endorsements are always welcome!   ;)

If you enjoy this mod, please check out my other stuff for the Dragon Age universe:


Solas of Secrets

Blackwall - Warden of the North

Sun-Kissed Cullen


Leliana the Nightingale

Elegant Josephine


Magic Merrill

Big Bad Fenris

Anders - 50 Shades of Mage

Dangerous Isabela

Alistair Ever After

Massive thanks to the Nexus community for all the love and support - and especially to Qessanea, for her gorgeous screenshots.
