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About this mod

A lot of options for the appearance of Hawke's family

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A lot of options for the appearance of Iconic Hawke and Hawke's family, while still retaining their iconic looks. Check the screenshots to see every different version!

If you're a choosing a non-default skin color, I HIGHLY recommend using the optional file that allows you to change what Bethany is wearing in the exaggerated intro - because her exaggerated outfit does not change skin color! This optional file's contents are also included in my other mod, too.

HOW TO INSTALL: Unzip and select a folder you want, check screenshots (included on nexus and in the zip) to see what they look like.
    Copy the folder into your override folder somewhere.
    If you want to mix and match, you can go into the folder and individually select each .erf file you want.
HOW TO UINSTALL: Remove the files you copied.