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About this mod

small tweaks to Cassandra's armor and optional looks, as well as a standalone variant

Permissions and credits

This mod brings Cassandra's DAI armor into DA2, as well as giving her an optional update to her looks.


Drop your chosen ERFs into packages/core/override. To obtain the armor for your fHawke, open the console and enter 'runscript cass'.

The looks package requires the latest version of KS Hairdos.


The textures for face and armor were by Ellise, for her DAI mod Seeker's Sending, and even sent the uncompressed textures to work with. I hope I did them justice. Additionally, her mod, Unique Complexions, was used to make sure the face and eye textures worked well. It's a great mod and I definitely encourage everyone to check it out.
The Eye texture was adapted from ShepShy's eye mod, Look At These Eyes. Many thanks to both of them for their permission.

Many thanks as well to my friend Avallonkao for adapting the face texture to DA2, which I couldn't do because I am terrible at that. Their work is always incredible and you should check out Ultimate HD Pack, visible in the screenshots.