About this mod
Custom morphs for Bethany, Carver, Leandra, Gamlen, Meredith, Charade, Zevran, and any minor NPCs I decide to alter.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
These are a few of headmorphs I made for personal use but figured I'd share. The morphs are intended to be swapped out between acts for the appearance of ageing in addition to a zombie morph for Leandra and a Final Battle morph for Meredith. I couldn't get the zombie/infected overlay to work for any of them, so Leandra's zombie morph doesn't use it and neither do the twins in the Deep Roads.
I also included Fake Intro morphs for Bethany and Carver.
Just drop the morphs you want to use into DA2's Override file. If you're getting the incorrect family morphs, you'll want to change the 'h_s_' tag in the file name to the correct numbers based on your Hawke's preset. By default, all of the family morphs included (besides Charade whose appearance won't change to match Hawke's) are 'h1s1' which is the filename for the default Hawke family. Here's a handy chart in case you need some help to figure out which 'h_s_' tag you need.
I decided to add any morphs made for minor NPCs who bother me or I felt like changing. For now this includes Templar Recruit Ruvena from Enemies Among Us, Saemus Dumar, and a Loghain morph for Stroud, inspired by hawkethority's Loghain Cameo in DA2 mod. Like that mod, this is purely a headmorph and doesn't change the story, voice or dialogue for the character. For all intents and purposes, it's just Stroud with a Loghain face based on his Inquisition appearance.
Chargen Revamp
Bidelle's Cosmetics
Vaelsmod Chargen Pack - Complexion Pack v2 & Unnatural Eye Tints
Pineappletree's Vibrant Colours for DA2
KS Hairs
Ferelden Cuts (4K Realistic in screenshots)
Make Up Tweaks and Tints
Better Brows
Natural Skin
Natural Hair
Playable Elves (this is needed solely for Zevran's hairstyle, so unless you're playing an Elf Hawke, you'll only need the Character Creation files)
Couslie's Eyeliner for Hawke
Other Mods Used But Not Required
Sindurah's Seraphic Eyes
Black Hair is Black