Dragon Age: Inquisition

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  1. neyris
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Oh, what can I say? He's absolutely handsome! He has unique eyes! <3
    1. Tiane
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Thank you my deear Ney!
  2. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    He's so handsome; look at that jawline!

    Where is the main shot set, BTW? I'm wondering what those pretty yellow sparkles in the background are.
    1. Tiane
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Thank you so much, dear Qess!
      The set is the Hinterlands main camp; it's one of my favorite places for screenies as the lighting is particularly good there to play with. The sparks in the background are in fact leaves of the surrounding trees; I played a little with the coloring to give an autumn-reddish effect to the background Thank you again - your kind words always mean the world to me
  3. DarKGameR177
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Lucien looks absolutely stunning! It is no wonder coming from you dear Tiane! You are immensely skilled when it comes to creating amazing characters! As well as capturing them in fabulous and stunning shots!

    Great work as always my dear friend!
    1. deleted23328924
      • account closed
      • 48 kudos
      I can only agree with our dear friend DarKGameR! He is simply perfect!
    2. Tiane
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Thank you, my dear Barlet and DG! The one and only time I'm happy with a male char... after about 150 visits to the BE, lol