Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dressed to Kill

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  1. sehris
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Gorgeous shots and gorgeous Inquisitor, my dear! Absolutely amazing.
  2. DarKGameR177
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Dear Tiane, thank you for sharing these gorgeous shots of the lovely Saelihn!

    And I completely agree with Tiane here! Thank you so much dear Barlet, for all of the wonderful mods that you have shared with us!
  3. deleted23328924
    • account closed
    • 48 kudos
    Aww, you're much too kind, dear Tiane! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! You put a smile on my face, as always! But I don't deserve such a friendly gesture, I'm just an absolute beginner! :3

    And your character looks very beautiful! <3