Dragon Age: Inquisition

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  1. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    Skyrim has built-in flycam, though. I desperately wish DAI had it, because I find the Cinematic Tools so fiddly as to rarely be worth the fuss.
    1. SerecenHwke
      • supporter
      • 49 kudos
      The mechanics of the Skyrim cam are MUCH more user friendly that is for sure, but it had ruined a few save games for me which was a pain. Add in the character poser mods and the whole thing was downright unstable. But the screen shots were breathtaking. I'm annoyed that the cam doesn't open where your character is every time with DAI, hunting them down is lame. But I don't mind the tedium of fiddling with the variables if I get great shots, so I will keep it
    2. Qessanea
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Yes, the hunting is the worst ... "I'm gunna git ya, Quizzie!"