Exhausted and cruel

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After a grueling 7 month campaign in Orlaise fighting Corepheus forces and Orlaisien nobles who would not bow to the Inquisition Andras's forces...

By the end Corypheus Armies were routed from most of Orlaise but disappeared in the Arbor Wilds..
It was also around this time she committed ethnic genocide against the Avvar Tribesmen who attacked her forces...After all that, she was known as

Andras the Unholy
Andras the Tyrant
Andras the Cruel
Andras the Golden Butcher (Due to her golden armor she wears)
and the Orlesians call her "Andras le barbare"

By the time the campaign ended...In total 300,000 people died, over 50,000 were wounded (Note unlike today many wounded would die from their injuries hence the low numbers)

Andras's Inquisition forces and allies lost over 30,000. Corypheus forces losses were over 100,000.

And as for the Avvar Tribes men which numbered in the 10,000 range 90% were killed outright and the rest sold to slavery....And Andras did this all before her 22nd birthday.