The Dragon that has no fangs

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  1. devdassanzo229
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    That happens to my magequisitor too during my first playthrough....& it seems to affect all my mages till now
  2. patdc
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    The game had a hiccup
  3. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 306 kudos
    Hi Makara
    I fought this dragon yesterday. Could it be that he doesn't have eyes either?
    Lol, I never noticed that, but maybe it's because I never used this upgrade.
    1. makara5656
      • premium
      • 139 kudos
      It only happen to human female mage.... exclusively.
      Change the mesh option to high or below fixed it but the cutscenes in this game will use ultra mesh setting so the shoulder still floating around during cutscenes. ugh

      And yes the dragon have eyes. I'm the dragon expert.