About this image
(Another collage and another abuse of the sharpen function. Someone help me, I'm addicted! Celeb'din is on his merry way but I'm in meetings with Sajjana over who she's romancing. My favor is on Cullen, hers is on Blackwall. I think I'm loosing the battle, guys.
So many story fragments are being posted because I'm trying to find my muse with one of the Inq's so I can write a story like Fran's. Here's hoping Celeb's story is it.)
It was the sharp snap of glass and a startled gasp that brought him back to reality. Everything was tense as he jolted upright in the bed, the elvhen woman in front of him stuttering out an apology. He barely had time to speak before she fell to the floor. The words that spilled from her lips cemented the memories he had been trying to come to terms with. So it wasn't a nightmare. The crease in his hand seemed to glow for a moment before settling into a dim imitation of a pulsing heart.
His companion mumbled something about returning to the Seeker and left a cloud of dust as she rushed out. There as a brief shock of noise from the outside before the door shut again.
By the Creators... Celeb'din wanted to just crawl back into bed and pull the pillow over his head. Or crawl out the window and make for his Clan. Well, shite, they had walls built... Guess it was either hiding here like a child or going out and facing all those shem'len. Maybe their gratitude would extend so far as not to shoot him in the face the moment he stepped out. He rubbed a hand over his face with a groan.
A quick inventory of the house found a note - belonging to some healer -, a chest with a beautiful dagger in it, armor-that-wasn't-quite-armor, and a necklace. The armor was tossed aside, the dragon dagger was placed in the belt of his somehow quite fancy clothing... and the amulet, he could feel the power in it strengthening his bones. It was slipped on with a fond smile for the thing. One should never turned their nose up at magic, even if it would suit a warrior better.
It was with a deep breath that he stepped outside, legs suddenly shaking. Silence fell over the place and what felt like hundreds of eyes were staring at him. There were guards before him and he eyed them with concern until they saluted him. Well... that was unexpected. Celeb'din nodded to them with a smile, trying to seem collected. Would they try to kill him when he walked past? They were blocking the exit of the village, and more people blocked another way out. The only path seemed to take him to the shem's Chantry.
This was not how he had thought this would turn out. Being killed, yes. Thrown in prison, another yes. Hauled off to Val Royeaux to rot in a prison? Only if they could catch him.
Drafted into the birth of the Inquistion as one of it's leaders? Not on his life.
The Herald of Andraste? Oh, just slay him now. He didn't even believe in the Maker!
Celeb'din spent the following days exploring Haven. There was so much stuff just strewn about, raw ores, leathers, plans for weapons and armors... He started to collect it all and deliver it to those who needed it most. The blacksmith was thrilled to have more metals to work with and gave the Dalish access to his forges. Celeb happily settled in to work on some new armor, making sure to leave off the bottoms of the boots, and started the base of a new dagger.
In Clan Lavellan he had been too noticeable to guard the campsites, a mediocre hunter. He had found his place with the Hahren, learning stories; tending the Halla and the littles, and with the Clan's Crafter. Working the forge was familiar to him and let him think. At the end of the day he slept easier and more peacefully than he had in weeks.
And I go crazy with the sharpening too when editing images. Actually, I've been trying to cut back ...