Dragon Age: Inquisition
Tribute to the Gods

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I've been playing this game since it came out in 2014 and in all that time I never noticed the big wolf statue up above Suledin Keep in Emprise du Lion. Granted I'm running a different Reshade that makes things brighter, makes them stand out more. But I was like, seriously wow, I never knew it was there. Eh, I thought it was cool.

Kesh, on the other hand, doesn't believe in the Gods so for her, it's just a part of the past that's been forgotten (so don't tell Solas, he might make frowny faces at her). Though, I think she would definitely be interested in reading about Cadhalash while done in the Deep Roads during the events of the Descent.


  1. Puffhime
    • supporter
    • 39 kudos
    I think I just realize it now x3 dang same with how long we been playing dai
    1. LadyBlackhawk
      • supporter
      • 53 kudos
      I know, right? It's amazing that 7 years later I'm finding things I never saw before. I think that's what keeps me coming back.
    2. Puffhime
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      :D heck yeah
  2. Sanna92
    • supporter
    • 215 kudos
    DAI is definitely one of the top 3 games I ever played. I'm usually coming back to it every year or two for a new playthrough and just like you said, I always notice something new. Last time I played it, I noticed how much care they've put into all those little plants and flowers. Not only most of them is quite faithfully re-created from real, existing plants but they also grow in places where it makes sense. I'm a garden designer myself so, I work with plants quite a lot and that detail was quite mind-blowing