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  1. patdc
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    An Elf placed his hand on the Maker's Throne
    And the Maker said well bless my soul
    Take it off, take it off, remove it
    An Elf removed his hand from the Maker's Throne
    And the Maker said well bless my soul
    Put it back , put it back , replace it
    An Elf replace his hand on the Maker's Throne
    And the Maker said well bless my soul
    Move it round , move it round , revolve it
    An Elf revolved his hand on the Maker's throne
    And the Maker said well bless my soul
    Back and forth , back and forth , reciprocate it
    An the Elf said
    Yeah but whats this green gunk

    1. wendera
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      Demon snot
    2. setiweb
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      Well Pat I'm trying to go way back, in your day, to think who those words match up with but I don't think the Andrew Sisters sang anything like that.
    3. patdc
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      Old rugby song Woodpecker's Hole