Dragon Age: Inquisition
Ar lasa mala revas

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Nearing the end of the path dwindling through the dark cave Aidan could once again see daylight in front of her. She moved quietly and quickly closed the distance between her and the opening. She carefully looked out and saw no signs of activity in the clearing. In what seems like ages ago she and her companions had killed off the wyverns who used to dwell here, but it still didn’t hurt to be cautious. Stepping out into the sunlight Aiden discovered nothing but an empty, yet beautiful space covered with lush, green nature and glistening water. She had thought it would be more painful at a first look, but it didn’t at all look the same way it did when she last was there. Then it was dark, and quiet and the waterfall was sparkling in the moonlight. Now it’s bright, almost brighter than her eyes could handle, and full of life. Birds were chirping and a small group of fennecs scattered as the girl walked further into the clearing. She shielded her eyes with her hand and looked up at the two big halla statues framing the small pool of water. Ar lasa mala revas. Suddenly Aiden could hear his voice. She immediately inhaled and forcefully shut her eyes. It sounded so real. She was surprised to realize that her hand had moved down her face, and shuttered as she felt the bare skin beneath it. You are free. 
“No, no, no, please don’t do this to me. It’s too vivid.” She came here to get answers, but she never wanted to experience this stabbing feeling in her stomach or hear his last words ever again. She fell down to the ground and immediately wrapped her hands around her legs. Then she closed her eyes.

You are so beautiful. Aiden could feel the tingling on her skin caused by the thin veil, and it made the memories seem even more powerful. She couldn’t do this. She had to leave this place. She shakingly stumbled back up on her feet, and once again shielded her eyes from the ever so bright sunlight. The world was spinning around her and she could see her vision getting blurred. It will never happen again. At those words Aidan let out a loud scream and started running towards the cave. In front of the entrance she suddenly stumbled over her own feet and once again fell down to the ground. Tears were streaming down her face, and she no longer felt like doing anything besides laying there in pain. 
Then she heard her own voice. 
Solas, don’t leave me… Not now. I love you.


Okay, so.. I'm working on a fanfic that I've had in my head forever, and so I made this picture to, along with others, accompany the text. However, I'm nowhere NEAR done, but I still wanted to post the picture. I guess I'll just make a new one for when the chapter is done. So.. think of this a a preview. 
Not that anyone really cares, but still. 

Oh, and this might sound like some sort of excuse, but this part is nowhere near the best one, nor one I'm particularly proud of. It is however the one who's related to the picture. 

Sooo.. I guess we'll see if I ever finish the story. Kisses. 


  1. Nightwishmaria
    • account closed
    • 47 kudos
    Beautiful! Both the pic and the story.
    1. Jaquiline
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Thank you
  2. Cos76
    • premium
    • 73 kudos
    It made me cry..again..it doesn't get any better then this! Can u pls post this on the Solas thread at Bioware i'm sure many will appreciate
    There is where i find some comfort and we talk about him and much more,it's like my second home where i find my solace with Solas
    I have to edit my post and say that in every one of my playthrough's i go in Crestwood and do exactly what u had written so i identified myself as well into your story,maybe that's why i had tears in my eyes again..i just cant get over him
    1. Jaquiline
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      • 14 kudos
      I'm sorry, honey, I know it sucks to have these feelings. I'm starting to think I'm a masochist for doing this to myself, but I'm glad that it helped you!
      The whole idea of the story (which I hopefully will finish some time soon) was that in every one of my Solas romanced playthroughs, when everything was done, I would travel to Crestwood. I would bring no companions, and slowly walk all the way to the cave. Then I would make a final save, just underneath the giant statues. My Lavellan's story would end there' because it's the one thing she could never move on from.

      If you think it will be appreciated, I will post my Solas related content a the forum. I have been putting it off, because I wan't to read all of the posts first, but there's just so god damn many of them.
    2. Cos76
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Sure whenever u're ready Take all the time u need My last save it's in my room next to the library overlooking the bed thinking to go to sleep and wishing i'll see him in my dreams or i hear him calling to me..
    3. Jaquiline
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Aw, that's really sweet too!
      I've actually posted in the thread now. Yeey, random insomnia motivation!
    4. Cos76
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Aww i see And i'm glad u did I am Lunpur on there and i'm am a she