WIP for elf female

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  1. PCGirl
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Hi Nancyferg, I like it so far. Instead of changing the size of the clasp switch it around, and maybe put the larger one right in the center of the waist area, with the smaller ones above and below. I love the design and actually the orange looks nice with the other colors, something different.

    1. nancyferg
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      The clasps are actually the same size, the game stretches them in the bust area. I left the top one and the waist one and put smaller clasps in the rest of the front. Have not tested it yet, but will later. Dulled the colors down some and will add some lighter contrast.
  2. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 306 kudos
    Beautiful, I like the colourful design.
  3. Skessa
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    When the orange isn´t anymore so...orange It looks great...I just dont like orangé colour, but that is me personally
    you are doing beautiful work !!!
    1. nancyferg
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      I know, I don't like orange either. I'll be changing that for sure Thank you
    2. Qessanea
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Yes, that was my thought too. Make the colours less vivid and it will be perfect